MiToU Butler starts on the 'Manage Orders' page in Seller Central. From there it automates the tedious process of going into orders and clicking the 'Request a Review' button. And it does so in a much smarter way than previous alternatives.
MiToU Butler acts like a VA on stereoids. It automatically executes review requests from within Seller Central.
Amazon added the 'Request a Review' button as the desired way to contact buyers. Buyer / seller messaging is not safe anymore.
Filters put you in control over which orders you want to ask a review for. E.g. target repeat buyers only or exclude promotions and more.
The extension simply executes the same steps a human would do.
No requests are ever done in the background.
This is not a stripped down version, you get all the features. No subscription or expensive upsells.
We have a whole list of features that we want to add. You will receive all future updates at no additional cost.